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Psychoanalytic.Solutions listens to individuals and the work they create

We help unearth the mechanisms working in the background of the individual and their associations by looking at what speech reveals about unconscious motives. What applies to the individual also applies to work. As Freud says; there are only two things: love, and work.


Who are your clients?

We are a psychoanalytic consulting company, for tech founders, artists, and anyone else, meaning everyone, whose desire could better align with drive.

What are Psychoanalytic Solutions?

Psychoanalytic Solutions is a practice that recognizes that finding the words to say it allows for better emotional intelligence, and the alleviation of dilemmas.

Our Statement »


Notes on psychoanalytic understandings of the contemporary world.

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Our Private Practice

How we work with individuals


The Unconscious is Structured Like a Language

- Jacques Lacan


Our Organizational Consulting

Helping founders and tech workers organize their thoughts into words and actions