Q: What will we do?

At the most basic level, what I offer is similar to talk therapy - you come to talk about the problems of your life to an intent ear. More specifically, I listen very carefully to how your language structures your thoughts and desire. I don't intrude, I listen patiently, pointing out when the logic of your language betrays or enables the very aspirations you espouse or believe you want. This follows the teachings and ethics of Jacques Lacan.

As a general rule, the early stages of psychoanalytic life coaching are more conversational, similar to how most life coaches work, though do not be surprised to be challenged by existential questions related to practical issues.

The central activity of Lacanian analysis is what Freud deemed "free association", which means that you speak whatever comes to mind. Whatever the reason you may be coming - your art, your relationship, depression, lack of desire, creative struggles, relationship troubles or stress- whatever it may be, the beginnings of your own solution will begin to take form by letting your particular language be heard, but most importantly by yourself. 

As for what to expect from my behavior, the practice of Lacanian analysis is incredibly flexible and dynamic, but with that comes a challenge, a challenge for he or she who comes to speak to test the limits of their thoughts and their dreams. What this comes down to is that I will often leave the answering up to you, providing assistance only when necessary in order to reveal thinking that is intertwined with anxieties and conflicts concerning the people and events in your life.

We may work face to face, we may work with you on the couch, if you must be out of town, we will work via Skype. Perhaps you believe something can be shown with artwork better than it can be said. In other words, when considering the unconscious mechanisms of your desire, expect the unexpected. 



Lacanian analysts strongly believe that payment is an important part of the work. You pay with your time, your words, your mind, and with your money. However, payment does not necessarily need to be painful. For the most part, payment is based on your desire and the amount of money you make, within reason. As the adage goes, "you get what you pay for", usually the payment makes one work harder on their issues.  Generally, charges are between $40 and $250 a session depending on income and ones desire, though exceptions are made for low income individuals on a case-by-case basis. 

The number of sessions is determined by your own desire for how often you want or need to come. The time allotted to each session is variable, in line with the teaching of Jacques Lacan. Most sessions are between 40-50 minutes, though on occasion I may stop you at 20 minutes, for example, if that is what it takes to drill in the importance of something which has been spoken but failed to be truly considered. A good part of psychoanalytic coaching is tough love, though a sensitivity to the individuals' particularities always comes first. 



I believe there is no substitute for the presence of the human body, for the body often speaks what words cannot. However, I am also aware of the physical limitations, including proximity to Los Angeles, as well as possible debilitating circumstances in which one might find themselves. For these reasons, I do offer my services over SKYPE, though I always encourage in-person sessions. 

Q: What do u do?

A: Psychoanalytic.Solutions is a method of psycholinguistic therapy, applied to the 21st century.

How does one get out an idea that is so new that it is impossible to put to words?  A passion so great that it hurts to speak of?

A trained analyst circles natural language variables around it, waiting unti its syntactical logic aligns with the order of his or her subjective desire in a just good-enough fashion, elegantly and swiftly punctuating its strings of code, so as to disarm its blocked out ideas and make them able to be thrown into the being of the social world. 

That is how. 

I devoted the last decade to the psychoanalysis of Jacques Lacan, who brought a unique and powerful reading of linguistics, logic, and mathematics to the practice of psychoanalysis. What Freud invented with the speaking cure was missing its crucial variable: language itself. Freud needed the linguistic turn in philosophy to happen, but didn't have this innovation at his disposal yet.

Lacan made up for Freud's lack with his infamous notion of how components of language engender the mind's mechanisms:

"The Unconscious is structured like a language"

The order of our grammar unconsciously structures the logic of our lives' endeavors and our subjective constellation of symptoms and their incalculable particularities. 

Similar to how Freud did not have the conceptual framework that is so obvious to us now to understand psycholinguistics, Lacan lacked our technological advances in symbolic systems to more readily observe the nature of unconscious desire; that its vectors write the very epistemic bottleneck that is the void at the heart of the mind/body divide, just waiting to in-corpora-8!

Logically oriented minds often find the intersection between language and the social realm untraversable, often missing the big picture for rigid details.

Lend us some of your system so we can leave the encryption up to you. You already know the key, but its missing a bit. 

Give us what you lack, so as to get back what u_ desire


Find us in Silicon Valley and on Skype