Homeschooled as an artist, mentored by the artist Christian Boltanski, and trained as a Lacanian psychoanalyst in France and Ireland, Peter Merritt Dobey conducts a practice online in your home or studio, that is almost like talk therapy, except one is encouraged to fill in the blanks with their own art, drawing, dance, music or whatever form of symbolization best fills in the blanks. It is not art therapy, and there are not stupid activities that you wouldn’t already do. Rather, it is talking about your life through your artwork, and your words, for contemporary artists. The analyst does not analyze as such, it is not a master-slave relationship, but allows you to recognize what your art already knows, that you might yet not.

In our practice, you are not a patient, but an “analysand”. One who analyzes themselves.

The ego is not master in its own house - Sigmund Freud

Be your own muse