I come from the Silicon Valley originally, and have lived most of my life in San Francisco.

I have also lived in many major destinations around the world, and now share my time between Moscow and Silicon Valley. One of my prerogatives is to link Moscow start-ups and other tech companies with the bustling tech scene of the San Francisco Bay Area, and my services will make sure that the native ethos and attitude is respected and built upon, especially for Moscow based technology companies looking to expand into the English speaking world and the American market in particular.

I am a professional editor by trade with three years at a San Francisco arts magazine under my belt and one year in a major news agency in Moscow. I can take care of any and all copywriting and translation corrections, as need be.

Photo by RonTech2000/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by RonTech2000/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by Mordolff/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by Mordolff/iStock / Getty Images